Wednesday 2 April 2008

To my sons

To My Sons

I will protect you
And then…
I will teach you how to protect yourselves!

I will provide for you
Then I will…
Teach you how to provide for yourselves!

I will keep you warm and safe
Then you will shy away from coldness!

I will love you
So that you love yourselves
And Others!

I will teach you how to survive in this world
But I can’t teach you everything
Likeminded people will help you
Follow your heart
Use your instincts!

I will not make your choices for you
But will guide you
As individuals, if need-be

I will help you see the difference
Between Cowardice and courage!
You will know when to look it in the eye
When to walk through it!
And when to walk away
You will trust your instincts
As to when!

I will guide you when you need me to
And will let you develop naturally
I will give you everything you need
But never everything you want!
You will need to source that yourself.

Be true to yourself
And you will be true to others
Know that I will love you no matter what
Have FAITH, HOPE and the WILL…
..To follow your destiny
And always do your best
As unique individuals.
Make sure you love what your best at…
...and the world will be your oyster!

By Lorna Cameron your mum XXXX

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