Play It Again Sam
An expression commonly used when asking for a repeat performance or recap of something THAT HAS BEEN SAID. The Sam in question is the pianist in the 1942 film classic Casablanca....Starring Humfrey Bogart and Ingrid Berman, with Dooley Wilson taking the part of Sam. It refers to a scene in the film where the Bogart character Rick Blaine supposedly asks the pianist to play 'As Time Goes BY' once more. However the line does not appear in the film. What Rick Blaine does say is 'If she can stand it, I can!'...Play it. There is also dialogue between the Ingrid Bergman character and the pianist on the same subject....'Play it once more Sam'...Play as time goes by. It is though that the popular misquotation of the line comes from its use as the title of a Woody Allen film of 1972.
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