'One candle can light many others' -
just don't burn yourself out too soon!
The sea has got power, but the tides are governed by the pull of the moon!
Life is a Like a Mirror - Essenes (Jewish ascetics)
What You don't like in others you aren't comfortable with in yourself! Herman Hesse
- As Above, So Below - As Within, so Without - Hermes
Every year I live I am more convinced that the waste of life lies in the love we have not given, the powers we have not used, the selfish prudence that will risk nothing, and which shirking pain, misses happiness as well. No one ever yet was the poorer in the long run for having once in a lifetime 'let out all the length of all the reins'.
Mary Cholmondeley
· Life is what you make it; you are a co-creator of your own reality: you are where you are now because you chose to learn these lessons
· you get what you need, not necessarily what your ego desires
· Your reality is based on your word, thought and deed
· your life experiences become what you focus on - you attract situations that symbolize internal relationships. Therefore be aware of and dissolve negative thoughts / subconscious blocks - Chi follows Yi eg. if you are violent & aggressive - then you will attract these situations and project your reality onto outside events
· What you resist will persist - resistance causes friction
· Life is about learning, without learning there is no progress or evolution; experience is a great way to learn - learn about SELF - mind, fears, beliefs, patterns etc. The body dies, the level of consciousness doesn't -it continues to the next life - until it ultimately merges with its maker.
· Do what you are inspired to do; strive for happiness in work and play but with respect to others (those who cross your path, our planet) - avoid being selfish or arrogant
· Love what you do or do what you love, preferably helping others, for the benefit of others
· Treat others how you want to be treated - we are all equal - we are all the same inside (we all have bones, organs, muscles etc,) - let's start acting that way and start sharing and harmonizing with our neighbors (including poor & developing world) -integrating and transcending our differences
· don't do unto others that you don't want done unto you - (in fact you can't - what goes around comes around - Law of Karma) (you are one with others)
· Be aware of and minimize fear, worry, doubt, anger, hate and all other negative thought and emotions. You're only harming yourself!
· Practice non- judgment and communing with nature - stop and smell the roses!! watch the sunset
· Become a silent observer / witness, detached from the outcome - surrender to the Flow of Life; 'JUST WATCH' - passive awareness
· Grow spiritually, leading to a grander version of yourself, however don't get into the spiritual ego trap
· Be spiritually discerning instead of judging
· Have preferences instead of desires
· There is no right and wrong only consequences
· Belief is restricting whereas knowing is empowering (Dr. W. Dyer)
· Be a love finder not a fault finder!
· Forgive and accept self and others!
· Love self, 'Love all, Serve all!' Sai Baba
· We are One, I Am That I Am
· Know that you are worthy of love, happiness, health, prosperity and abundance
· ' Two simple rules for life: Know thyself, take nothing in excess.' Socrates
· Be aware that on the journey you will uncover many parts of yourself that you didn't know existed and /or tried to hide from self and others.
· Be aware that you may change friends or your friends may change too!
· Be aware of the pace of your learning,
· Be balanced and integrated in your approach - mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual levels
· Be aware of negative ego, fears, desires, greed, jealousy - 'know it all' ego
· Be aware of ignorance, delusion, greed, changeability, gullibility, anger / hatred / ill-will, jealousy,
· Be aware that change is inevitable - so resistance is futile
· Be aware of timing - timing is everything
· Be aware your day to day responsibilities & necessities - but try to gradually cut these down
· Be aware that there are no guarantees, and this is a pathless path - teachings are only a map - not the territory - finger pointing to the moon, not the moon itself.
· Be aware of cults, giving away personal power, blind faith - faith without reason/ experience
· Be a student not a follower
· Don't believe anything - Experience it for yourself. Knowing is more powerful than belief
· And don't be attached to the trappings, psychic powers, increased power & charisma
· Be aware that you are probably reading this page for a reason - the time maybe right for another boost to your life!
· Be aware it is worth it! (but no guarantee)
· BE AWARE OF AWARENESS!!! Be aware when you lose your rag/ centre/ balance.
· JUST BE, BE RELAXED & ALERT- Rest in the 'clear & knowing state', rest in 'mere experience', abide in pure luminosity - true nature of mind.
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