Thursday, 2 February 2012

Justice versus the Law

Justice versus the law

The law tells us to follow a certain procedure
Whether that procedure is JUST or not is another story

The law needs to make money
And yet justice would save it!
The law tells us to go against human nature
Justice states the opposite!
The law protects the criminal
Justice protects the victim!
The law speaks with its DATA eyes
Like the medic who speaks the DATA remedy!
Justice speaks from the law of nature
The law is written in stone
Justice is the workings of our home!
The law needs witnesses, evidence
Justice has cut us wide open…
Witness your evidence!

We come to claim our right to freedom!
Freedom is not bound by your chains!
We come from the true source of creation!
Your morals and values are a nonsensical claim!
We come riding on the wings of angels!
Your demonical vessel target of our aim!

We will not be downtrodden by this system of robots!
NOT let your laws tyrannize our justice!
NOT be mutilated by years of corruption!
NOT be blasted by murderous venom!

So propagate rumours of condemnation!
Your puerile alibi of defamation!
Fiery arrows won’t penetrate OUR nation!
Justice WILL be our salvation!

by Lorna Cameron

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