Flowers and meanings have been the subject of conversation for as long as humankind has taken the time to behold the beauty enfolded in each petal.
Symbolism is endless in flowers and meanings range from protection, to love, to warnings, to wealth.
As flowers are the actual reproductive systems of plants, most generally flower meanings deal with:
* Love
* Birth
* Unity
* Growth
* Connection
Over the ages humans have devised symbolic languages of flowers, which became popularized in the Victorian era. In the 1600's, Lady Mary Wortley was pivotal in bringing flowers and meanings to the public attention. Prior to her research and observations the symbolism of flowers was quite esoteric.
Floral symbolism varies according to the type of flower, how it is arranged, how many flowers in the arrangements, and combinations of flowers. Effectually, a floral bouquet as a gift could have endless symbolic meanings. Only someone savvy in the language of flowers and meanings would be able to crack the secret code.
Further, the Victorian era wasn’t the only phase of intense floral discovery. Deeper meanings of flowers were used and interpreted by:
* Native American Indians
* Ancient Egyptians
* Ancient Greeks
* Ancient Celts
* Japanese
* Chinese
and many more cultures around the world.
In the end, whether you are a Wortley devotee, or ascribe to the Chinese symbolism of flowers, keep in mind they are always a symbol of generosity and love when they are given away.
Take the time to share a deeper symbolic meaning and give some flowers to someone you know today. Below are a few flowers and meanings to get you started:
Amaryllis Flower Meanings
Symbolic of success won after a struggle. These were often given in recognition of a job well done – particularly in scholastics, writing, and artistic endeavors. Give the poet in your life a bunch of amaryllis and you are encouraging his/her creative muse. You are also recognizing his/her achievements in the arts.
Apple Blossom Meanings
Intoxicating by their very nature, apple blossoms are symbolic of heady love, peace, sensuality, and fertility. Apple blossoms (and trees) were honored by the ancient Celts as a symbol of love, and they would decorate their bedchambers with these blossoms to entice amorous nights.
Camellia Flower Meanings
With its delicate soft, round petals and gentle curves the camellia is considered a symbol of desire, passion, and refinement. It indicates a deep longing in the heart for your beloved. It is also a symbol of perfection and excellence. Give camellia’s to your sweetheart. Better yet, give some of these lovely flowers as a secret admirer!
Daffodil Flowers and Meanings
Daffodil’s have meanings of faith, honesty, truth, forgiveness, and forthrightness. They are ever vigilant in returning each spring, and with their return we are reminded that their beauty is capable of following on the shirttails of even the harshest winters (or tribulations). Give daffodils to someone when as a token of forgiveness or give them away as a token of appreciation for their honesty.
Dahlia Flower Meanings
Dahlia’s are spicy flowers, and their meanings range from a sign of warning, to change, to travel, to even a portent of betrayal. The varied symbolic meanings of the dahlia make this flower a wild card. Give to that unique, eclectic person whom you wish to compliment his/her wild side. Combine them with slender flowers like irises or tulips for a striking visual display as well as a combined symbolic message that says “temper your adventures with a kind heart.”
Lily Flowers and Meanings
Lilies are the flowers of the spiritually advanced. They are also the totem flowers of mothers (especially new ones), fertility and nurturing. Lilies are also appropriate flowers to present during weddings as they are symbolic of unions, partnerships, and long lasting relationships. Give lilies to new mothers and brides-to-be; share the symbolism of these beautiful blossoms with them, and watch their faces light up with delight.
Pansy Flower Meanings
Pansies have long been flowers of remembrance. Indeed, they have often been placed upon memorial markers and stones to honor and remember those who are no longer on the physical plane. They are also a symbol of togetherness and union, and perhaps this is why they are so appropriate for remembering those who have passed from our lives. Their beauty is the perfect testimony to the love we have shared with others in the past. Keep pansies around you when you wish to remember the fond memories and kindnesses of loved ones who have passed from this earth.
Rose Flower Meanings
Rose meanings vary according to color. On the whole, however, roses are symbolic of deep love, concentration, intelligence, balance, and passion. They are also sometimes seen as a message for healing, revitalization, rejuvenation and courage. Roses are very complex in their features, and so therefore have complex meanings. More than just Valentine’s Day favorites, roses bear the mark of honor, devotion and intense commitment on many levels. Give roses only when you are serious about your intentions.
Sunflower Meanings
The way they move their massive heads to meet the sun make them a flower of spiritual attainment, flexibility, and opportunity. They are also symbolic of good luck, wealth and ambition. Give sunflowers away to someone who is working toward a goal and needs a big break in their lives. They are also an excellent housewarming gift as the receiver embraces new opportunities in the form of hearth and home.
Tulip Flowers and Meanings Tulips are also voracious sun seekers (like the sunflower) and will sway their heads in crazy contortions seeking out the best angle for light. This makes them a symbol of opportunity, adjustment, advancement, and aspiration. They are commonly thought to represent attainment of spiritual awareness too. Because they are from bulbs, and return every year (like the daffodil) tulips are symbolic of resurrection and determination.
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