Here's some of my favourites.... my son sometimes logs into this blog with his friends at amongst all the beautiful flowers here's some fab shots of beasties... bugs...insects and amphibians for you all! xx
This is inspirational, informative scan art from Milliande is brill!!
There's no words to describe how beautiful these are... awesome medicine for the heart x
Sunday, 28 September 2008
Flowers and their meaning

Flowers and meanings have been the subject of conversation for as long as humankind has taken the time to behold the beauty enfolded in each petal.
Symbolism is endless in flowers and meanings range from protection, to love, to warnings, to wealth.
As flowers are the actual reproductive systems of plants, most generally flower meanings deal with:
* Love
* Birth
* Unity
* Growth
* Connection
Over the ages humans have devised symbolic languages of flowers, which became popularized in the Victorian era. In the 1600's, Lady Mary Wortley was pivotal in bringing flowers and meanings to the public attention. Prior to her research and observations the symbolism of flowers was quite esoteric.
Floral symbolism varies according to the type of flower, how it is arranged, how many flowers in the arrangements, and combinations of flowers. Effectually, a floral bouquet as a gift could have endless symbolic meanings. Only someone savvy in the language of flowers and meanings would be able to crack the secret code.
Further, the Victorian era wasn’t the only phase of intense floral discovery. Deeper meanings of flowers were used and interpreted by:
* Native American Indians
* Ancient Egyptians
* Ancient Greeks
* Ancient Celts
* Japanese
* Chinese
and many more cultures around the world.
In the end, whether you are a Wortley devotee, or ascribe to the Chinese symbolism of flowers, keep in mind they are always a symbol of generosity and love when they are given away.
Take the time to share a deeper symbolic meaning and give some flowers to someone you know today. Below are a few flowers and meanings to get you started:
Amaryllis Flower Meanings
Symbolic of success won after a struggle. These were often given in recognition of a job well done – particularly in scholastics, writing, and artistic endeavors. Give the poet in your life a bunch of amaryllis and you are encouraging his/her creative muse. You are also recognizing his/her achievements in the arts.
Apple Blossom Meanings
Intoxicating by their very nature, apple blossoms are symbolic of heady love, peace, sensuality, and fertility. Apple blossoms (and trees) were honored by the ancient Celts as a symbol of love, and they would decorate their bedchambers with these blossoms to entice amorous nights.
Camellia Flower Meanings
With its delicate soft, round petals and gentle curves the camellia is considered a symbol of desire, passion, and refinement. It indicates a deep longing in the heart for your beloved. It is also a symbol of perfection and excellence. Give camellia’s to your sweetheart. Better yet, give some of these lovely flowers as a secret admirer!
Daffodil Flowers and Meanings
Daffodil’s have meanings of faith, honesty, truth, forgiveness, and forthrightness. They are ever vigilant in returning each spring, and with their return we are reminded that their beauty is capable of following on the shirttails of even the harshest winters (or tribulations). Give daffodils to someone when as a token of forgiveness or give them away as a token of appreciation for their honesty.
Dahlia Flower Meanings
Dahlia’s are spicy flowers, and their meanings range from a sign of warning, to change, to travel, to even a portent of betrayal. The varied symbolic meanings of the dahlia make this flower a wild card. Give to that unique, eclectic person whom you wish to compliment his/her wild side. Combine them with slender flowers like irises or tulips for a striking visual display as well as a combined symbolic message that says “temper your adventures with a kind heart.”
Lily Flowers and Meanings
Lilies are the flowers of the spiritually advanced. They are also the totem flowers of mothers (especially new ones), fertility and nurturing. Lilies are also appropriate flowers to present during weddings as they are symbolic of unions, partnerships, and long lasting relationships. Give lilies to new mothers and brides-to-be; share the symbolism of these beautiful blossoms with them, and watch their faces light up with delight.
Pansy Flower Meanings
Pansies have long been flowers of remembrance. Indeed, they have often been placed upon memorial markers and stones to honor and remember those who are no longer on the physical plane. They are also a symbol of togetherness and union, and perhaps this is why they are so appropriate for remembering those who have passed from our lives. Their beauty is the perfect testimony to the love we have shared with others in the past. Keep pansies around you when you wish to remember the fond memories and kindnesses of loved ones who have passed from this earth.
Rose Flower Meanings
Rose meanings vary according to color. On the whole, however, roses are symbolic of deep love, concentration, intelligence, balance, and passion. They are also sometimes seen as a message for healing, revitalization, rejuvenation and courage. Roses are very complex in their features, and so therefore have complex meanings. More than just Valentine’s Day favorites, roses bear the mark of honor, devotion and intense commitment on many levels. Give roses only when you are serious about your intentions.
Sunflower Meanings
The way they move their massive heads to meet the sun make them a flower of spiritual attainment, flexibility, and opportunity. They are also symbolic of good luck, wealth and ambition. Give sunflowers away to someone who is working toward a goal and needs a big break in their lives. They are also an excellent housewarming gift as the receiver embraces new opportunities in the form of hearth and home.
Tulip Flowers and Meanings Tulips are also voracious sun seekers (like the sunflower) and will sway their heads in crazy contortions seeking out the best angle for light. This makes them a symbol of opportunity, adjustment, advancement, and aspiration. They are commonly thought to represent attainment of spiritual awareness too. Because they are from bulbs, and return every year (like the daffodil) tulips are symbolic of resurrection and determination.
Saturday, 27 September 2008
Soothing sounds and visions of nature

So glad to have the sound on my computer fixed after all these months.......Couldn't sleep tonight so went to beach in Japan instead!!!
Beautiful nature...fantastic photography!
Mountain stream ahhh
Then there's the botanic gardens...I love this one too!
Tranquil we go....Zzzz

Friday, 26 September 2008
Thursday, 25 September 2008
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
healing teas

I've been drinking a few mugs of herbal tea each day for around nine years, started with rooibos which you could only get by mail order at that time, although my favourite is green tea, with lemon, lotus or jasmine. When I started drinking them you could only get them in health food stores but nowadays there's much more selection and they are widely available. I prefer the tea leaves to bags. I also love fruit teas although have never found as nice a one as the gorgeous cherry, blackberry, strawberry and blueberry fruit tea a friend brought me back from Germany, as the dried fruit swells in the boiling water this tea just bursts with flavour. It was nicely presented in a beautifully decorated Japanese tin. When the kids or I are bothered with symptoms such as a sore stomach fennel, aloe vera or peppermint works to ease the pain. Valerian or chamomile when I can't sleep....Echinacea with ginger and honey when any of us have a cold... I Usually have around 15 or more selection in my cupboard....Below are some more ideas and benefits>>>>>>
Thursday, 18 September 2008
World Earth - politics

Maybe it's the computers, maybe Nibiru or God, but for what ever reason a mass awakening that has never been seen before is happening. We have possibilities now that were not open to Humans 5 years ago. The evil being exposed no longer holds a veil over our eyes and we can look out into the darkness to see a lot of other lights coming on. Our flickers are beginning to combine into a shine and it will become easier for those remaining in the dark to see us. If Bush hadn't been so bad maybe it wouldn't have been as easy to see the darkside. If the lies being told and sold weren't so blatant, maybe you could excuse one for following them. It appears now that things are black and white, not grey like the 70s & 80s so I feel comfortable with believing this is a good vs evil thing of Biblical proportions. The fact that the evil is so big, so prevalent and so interwoven makes it obvious that it is beyond human means of reconciliation. It seems that God's endgame is just about to wrap up. You are either for Love and Life or you are with the terrorists. Everybody gets their chance to make a final decision in 6.5 billion little dramas. So what options are left for those awakened spirits that Love and seek the Family of Man? Well, here we are. We are split up into thousands of little groups around the world with no physical means of countering a death and deception machine. Maybe we weren't meant to. Maybe we just had to get that seal of "In God We Trust" stamped in our heads and then just hold our ground until the last one is done and all the events synchronize at the end of the experiment. So yes Bush should hang but so should about a million others that we've never heard of. I'm no hangman and I couldn't even find it in me to physically punish anyone of them. Lets stop worrying about "Them" and what "They" might do and concentrate on "Us" and what "We" can create to replace the old ways. If we are here to build a new world then that's what we should do. We are the creators and we Love Life, we are not destroyers and punishers. This sets us apart from the other race and it is our reflection of our Creator. We need a new system of living together based on Love and enjoining all of Mankind so lets create it here and now and get the remainder of the world involved in getting together and making something good that all our children will be proud of.
A UK recession and economic competence
Posted on 04 September 2008 by Frustrated Voter
For the past eleven years we have heard nothing else but, how Gordon Brown was going to put an end to “boom and bust”, how he was an iron chancellor, and how New Labour were beyond reproach in terms of economic competence. How does this correlate with a UK recession that, by all accounts, only those outside government could see coming?
How could so many British people be so naive as to believe that a government that increased taxes and borrowing during a period of significant growth and wealth creation could sustain this? Why did we allow a government to dupe us in terms of its true financial position, with the off-balance sheet PFI initiatives that leave us owing some £170bn, which must be paid off between now and 2032? Government pension deficits of £790bn and so on? All of this on top of the “official” debt figure of a tad under £500bn.
Gordon Brown and his government have been caught out in the lie that has become the legacy of their time in office. They have left this country vulnerable, with high taxes, high debt, long term financial commitment and, above all, lacking leadership. New Labour has become synonymous with spin and its ability to consistently dupe the public and manipulate the press. Inevitably, we will all have to pay for their incompetence. Tony Blair was a prime architect and whilst he may be basking in the fruits of his former position of PM, giving lectures and writing books, he shares responsibility with Gordon Brown. Alistair Darling is just cannot fodder, he knows it, we know it, he is just the fall guy for Gordon Brown.
True leaders show their ability it times of crisis, not the good times and as this government moves from crisis to crisis, relying on a sticking plaster to fix things, it is just going to get worse. True leaders know when their time is up and those with integrity and pride, will step aside and let someone else in. However, there are two large problems here, firstly, a new leader of the Labour Party will not make any difference, given they are clearly a spent force, who have substituted the so called Tory sleaze, with a programme of lies and inept ministers. The second problem is where do we go from here?
David Cameron’s conservative party has still not told us what it is they stand for, what their policies are and what they are about. Yes, Cameron has come up with some quaint new soundbites, such as a ‘broken society’, but so far, it is just rhetoric. This is not backed up by new ideas, proposals, policies or answers. So we still have no idea what they would do if they were in government, so why would the electorate entertain such a party? We could simply be going from the frying pan, into the fire. As for the LibDems, well do we know who they are? Clegg says some sensible things, but this is a party that a year or so ago proposed higher taxes, how many governments have been voted in with a promise of higher taxes? Vince Cable is very knowledgeable, but the party sidelined him, because they felt he was too old, so what does that say about them?
The future does not look so bright! There is no obvious choice, unless Cameron can start to convince us that his party has original ideas and, above all, people that are capable of delivering on them. The main parties have 550 or so MP’s between them, but how many of us could name more than 10 or 20? What does that say about the way the political party’s are run. Even if we can name them, how many would we trust, if any, to lead us through this mess and do we know what they stand for?
As we enter this uncertain time, perhaps it is also a period for reflection, we need to consider whether our political system is truly representative. For example, how many ordinary people have a realistic opportunity to get elected as an MP, if they are not already aligned with one of the principal parties? The Labour and the Conservative party select their candidates based on many things, which often includes, but is not limited to, race, gender and loyalty. Why shouldn’t they advertise to get the best candidate? Yes this is simplistic, but the best ideas often are, surely the electorate is entitled to the best man or woman for the job, not those that are already part of the ‘club’ that is party politics right now?
Over the past 11 years, we have witnessed an obsession with government control, from the 4.2m CCTV cameras, through to the right to detain for up to 42 days without charge. We have been told that we must have ID cards to help protect us from the threat of terrorism, yet the government are trying to include so much biometric data that it is difficult to comprehend the true justification. It is claimed that the UK government and its agencies have more access to our private details than virtually any other country including Russia and China. This obsession with state control is worrying in isolation, but when this is coupled with a dishonest government, self-obsessed ministers, weak members of parliament and a virtually non-existent alternative party, we must start to worry.
There is no sense in kidding ourselves that we have choice or that we live in a democracy, if our choice of ‘elected’ representative is limited to the whim of party leaders. This country was quick to criticise China for primarily limiting their choice to existing members of National Peoples Congress. What is the difference, surely it is only scale?
We need change in this country, we need to review our whole political system and above all, we need to look at the way much of the news media sets the agenda.
This is a report taken from citizen journalism at
Liberal Democrat party leader Nick Clegg has accused British Labour Prime Minister Gordon Brown of "complacency" in dealing with what he has described as the "mental health crisis" in the National Health Service.
Speaking during prime minister's questions at the House of Commons, Clegg said that one-in-four people faced mental health problems, and that millions have to wait for three years to get help.
He asked Brown to acknowledge "that we now have a two-tier health system in which millions of mental health patients are being left behind".
The prime minister said the government had increased spending on mental health by 31 per cent in real terms in the last 10 years.
This had funded 60 per cent more consultant psychiatrists and 20 per cent more mental health nurses, he said.
He added: "That is only possible because of the investment we have made in the National Health Service, which is far beyond what many of the other parties offered or promised at any election.
"That is why there are 80,000 more nurses, that is why we're doing a billion more operations and that is why today this party, and I believe the whole House should be proud of 60 years of success of the National Health Service.
"I am proud it was a Labour government that created it. I hope it will have the support of all parties in this House."
Clegg accused Brown of "confusing a list with an answer, confusing a review with action".
"There is a mental health crisis in this country today," he said.
And he pointed to comments from the president of Royal College of Psychiatrists who said that mental health wards are "unacceptable, uninhabitable and dangerous".
"There is no excuse for the prime minister's complacency," Clegg said. "He once again relies on a promise made in a review. But when will he act to introduce a maximum waiting time and equal rights for all mental health patients?"
Brown said that government policy aimed to increase the levels of care in community, adding that "real investment" in adult mental health had increased by £1.2bn, with over £5.1bn spent on adult mental health last year compared to £3bn in 2001.
"Yes we want to do more, but we can only do more if we invest more in the National Health Service as a whole," he said.
"That is our commitment. It's not clear it's the commitment of all parties in this House."
This was a report taken from citizen journalism at
"Some day the medical profession will wake up and realize that unresolved emotional issues are the main cause of 85% of all illnesses. When they do, EFT will be one of their primary healing tools .... as it is for me."
- Eric Robins, MD -
We need a whole person system change - By Lorna Cameron
Many wise people are campaigning for change which is great and there are minor shifts. However it's no wonder morale around us is low as what we need is major shifts!
Throughout all of this economic and social mayhem some of us still try to find solutions that enrich our own lives and others, a lot of the time having to drown out the screaming to find respite in that place of peace, satisfied for a while to have found a haven within that plaintive existence that surrounds us. Working in the best way we can to reach in and out to encourage positive change.
Are we reassured when we have to visit the doctor, who's crying in the reception area, trying to wipe away the frustration before her next patient who requires the drug to keep the emotions in check for a while?
Do we feel safe when we are forced to visit benefit offices where inevitably people are shouting and fighting, frustrated because they are running late for their methadone appointment at the chemist. Do we trust that our private details remain that way when files get lost or details are missed because many staff are depressed, angry, tired or incompetent, either because they are being harassed by the claimant, bullied by the over stressed manager, or they're scrambling about with the small print in a social security system which evolves at such a rate even the sharpest of minds are beset with bluntness? How are the dynamics in balance within a system so detrimental that those with integrity are being tarred with same brush as those abusing the system.
Are we comforted when we send our kids to the school where certain teachers are taking their frustrations out on the kids and visa versa! Taking aside recent strikes,... Is our kids education affected even further by the many great teachers who are burnt out with the crisis and are falling sick much more often as a result. If we have to go that step further we're even lucky to be able to talk with the same head of education twice in the same term as they're changing jobs so rapidly.
Do we feel safe in our streets where many kids now know only destruction, because they are so angry at their parents, who are also angry or numb amongst other things? Does Gordon Brown think it's going to help becoming santa and providing low income families with computers, How will this resolve things? All the people on low incomes I know already have a computer, and of course computers can teach us a lot, but can kids type in the word nurture, love, hope and family interaction? Isn't a great leader supposed to a great teacher and student also.
Don't we all feel sad when we see and hear kids as young as four trying to form family union with their peers looking for some sort of acceptance and guidance because no one is ever home? Nursery places for two year olds, so the kids can bond and spend more time with the nursery teacher, that will help the economy! Again I'm saddened by what is being taught here.
Do we feel protected by the policeman/woman whos pile of paperwork takes so much time that crimes are being brushed under the carpet as there's just not enough time!
Are we considered human beings in the solicitors office, or when we are forced into court for a crime that someone else committed within a legal system that holds no real protection and justice plays no part in.
I wonder if politicians would perhaps see and feel differently about things if they actually camped out here on the streets and really saw what was going on and had to use the services they are claiming that are changing so much for the better. I wonder if they could sleep at night with people screaming in their street. Is the remedy really earplugs and shutters? Is there any real alliance? Sure all those bureaucrats in their offices love penning statistics that tell us there is, of course you listen to the people who visit your office with their hypothesis, read the reports, provide us with the data, go visit hospitals and community centres for a couple of hours after your business lunch. But are they up for the challenge of actually living here where hyenas are screaming and kids are being ripped apart! Do they really know how many peoples human rights are being infringed?
The statistics of development in all of these services that Gordon Brown keeps comfort feeding us with gives me no emotional nourishment at all! I see little or no improvement in this community or in wider circles of society I've connected with. Occasional little buds of fruition with certain services that we have to rely on, but nothing to shout home about. The statistics available by the media seem so much like fiction it's hard to know what medium to trust anymore! Apparently the government is aware of how many people are being prescribed anti depressants. I wonder how many of these people actually take them? How many people has the health minister come into contact with that hide them away in a drawer. I wonder if he's aware of what number sell their prescription drugs on in order to get cash for other more effective drugs! Statistics are as reliable and honest as the people or computers that provide them!
Addiction is epidemic. Some of us know why addiction of any sort arises and I think that most people who do know would agree it stems from some sort of trauma, but there are still plenty who haven't crossed that threshold yet and aren't aware. Revelation of dysfunction and the effects within families, exposes the toxins that inevitably leak out to the rest of society. How can we cut back the pressure and stress and really work in alliance to encourage a proactive way of life for everyone. Integrate some sort of system where every individual can actually access, give and receive that support.
So what do we do to satisfy ourselves and get the support we need. We all get together in our small groups, loving, supporting and comforting ourselves in the best way we can, everyone is suffering to some extent and many broken people profoundly affected by "this broken down system". Its become a world where where dysfunction, violence and abuse is considered acceptable by many! Still the wise compassionate ones find ways to create our own little pockets of safety and security within this tainted world of anger and fear, trying to shield our kids from some of it and racking our brain-hearts to find a solution to help them/us deal with the latest manipulation!
It seems to me that propaganda and continually picking up the pieces generates attrition. Wouldn't it be a better idea to target more of the the root cause..
Focus more on educating, guiding youngsters and teenagers more about the responsibility of having children and more importantly their parents about the responsibility of parenthood.
How much effort does it take to enhance a child's quality of life with love, respect, discipline, support, understanding, communication, relationship, nurturing and bonding. Many adults just don't seem to know much about it, perhaps because they haven't been shown it themselves
What about using the media to highlight and educate about the extremes of what happens to families who are living with abuse, dysfunction, passiveness. There are plenty of buildings, churches, community centres, health centres and schools that could accommodate groups outwith business hours. People just need encouragement to cross the threshold. A safe environment where support groups and families could meet "Family development meetings" rather than asbos! The kids I've come into contact with that have them hold their asbo up like a sheriffs badge, just another way to get attention, they don't mind negative attention they are used to it. How counter productive is it for children to be inspired by the Jamie Olivers of this world or Super nanny when some parents don't even recognise that there are issues present they could support their families with.
Why not raise awareness of the benefits of being within a loving, safe, respectful, wholesome environment. Raise the questions about whether it is the responsibility of the teachers, government, NHS staff, carers, social workers, police, childminders, nurseries to parent children or is it the parents responsibly. How abuse, cruelty dysfunction is the crumbling vertebrae that forms the backbone of health problems. What about we stop brushing under the carpet the fact that the way peoples bodies react to emotional trauma and stress is with psychological, physical and Physiological symptoms. Of course there are leopards that will resist changing their spots, but more collective consciousness is necessary to reach inward and prioritise.
It's so encouraging to note how much is achieved when vulnerable individuals are able to work in the community alongside people who have "been there" and come out the other side and heartwarming how much random acts of kindness, compassion and also awareness acts as a catalyst for improving self worth, self esteem and confidence.
Individuals who are unemployed could get paid to use certain skills for the benefit of the community, everyone has at least one skill that could help another person or the environment. This makes much more sense to me than handing out the latest benefit labelled "INCOME MAXIMISER." Finding ways to help people learn more about budgeting and priorities. I for one find it concerning when I hear of people not being able to afford nourishing, wholesome food for their children, because they are on a low income or receiving government assistance. With imagination and good planning it is achievable.
This is written from my experience from what I have seen, situations I've been involved with and what I've heard. Based on this I know experiences for many are getting worse. People's health in all walks of our society are being affected, not just poverty stricken areas. And at this rate of decline the velocity of destruction is a very worrying prospect, as the repercussions affecting humanity will also mame future generations of our civilisation.
Cut down NHS waiting lists by more people in power simply advocating whole person
A foundation that will make massive strides to healing the whole earth, enabling us all to flourish and future generations!
Taken from the manuscript of my novel "Behind Closed doors."
©Lorna Cameron
Don Nicolson Brand New Day out his website. I love his voice, lyrics and melodies. He's also such a sweet guy.
I met Don and some other great musicians a few weeks ago at an art exhibition our friends invited us to at a continental style bistro, what a wonderful evening! Marcin and his sister Gosha from Poland are encouraging social enterprise for local artists promoting their creativity with exhibiting their work from their bistro and via their website. The evening was a great success, a real continental feel to the night as we all sat round singing, inspired by the ambiance of community spirit, more than half of the guests were guys from different corners of Europe and beyond. I was in my element in such a relaxed atmosphere with kindred spirits with plenty singing and dancing enhancing the evening further. Huddled together in the corner of the room with the Saxophonist, keyboard player and the guys belting out the beats and rythmns with assorted djembis and bongos, felt like the lovely relaxed atmosphere found when on holiday with a group where instruments and music are so much of a part of everyones being that inhibitions and time are left behind.
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
The Harley Davidson Facts
The Harley-Davidson Facts
The inventor of the Harley-Davidson motorcycle, Arthur Davidson , died and went to heaven.
At the gates, St. Peter told Arthur. 'Since you've been such a good man and your motorcycles have changed the world, your reward is, you can hang out with anyone you want to in heaven.'
Arthur thought about it for a minute and then said, ' I want to hang out with God.'
St. Peter took Arthur to the Throne Room, and introduced him to God.
God recognized Arthur and commented, 'Okay, so you were the one who invented the Harley-Davidson motorcycle? '
Arthur said, 'Yeah, that's me...'
God commented: 'Well, what's the big deal in inventing something that's pretty unstable, makes noise and pollution and can't run without a road?'
Arthur was a bit embarrassed, but finally spoke, 'Excuse me, but aren't you the inventor of woman?'
God said, 'Ah, yes.'
'Well,' said Arthur, 'professional to professional, you have some major design flaws in your invention !
1. There's too much inconsistency in the front-end suspension
2. It chatters constantly at high speeds
3. Most rear ends are too soft and wobble about too much
4. The intake is placed way too close to the exhaust
5. The maintenance costs are outrageous!!!!
'Hmmmmm, you may have some good points there,' replied God, 'hold on.'
God went to his Celestial supercomputer, typed in a few words and waited for the results.
The computer printed out a slip of paper and God read it.
'Well, it may be true that my invention is flawed,' God said to Arthur,
'but according to these numbers, more men are riding my invention than yours'.
The inventor of the Harley-Davidson motorcycle, Arthur Davidson , died and went to heaven.
At the gates, St. Peter told Arthur. 'Since you've been such a good man and your motorcycles have changed the world, your reward is, you can hang out with anyone you want to in heaven.'
Arthur thought about it for a minute and then said, ' I want to hang out with God.'
St. Peter took Arthur to the Throne Room, and introduced him to God.
God recognized Arthur and commented, 'Okay, so you were the one who invented the Harley-Davidson motorcycle? '
Arthur said, 'Yeah, that's me...'
God commented: 'Well, what's the big deal in inventing something that's pretty unstable, makes noise and pollution and can't run without a road?'
Arthur was a bit embarrassed, but finally spoke, 'Excuse me, but aren't you the inventor of woman?'
God said, 'Ah, yes.'
'Well,' said Arthur, 'professional to professional, you have some major design flaws in your invention !
1. There's too much inconsistency in the front-end suspension
2. It chatters constantly at high speeds
3. Most rear ends are too soft and wobble about too much
4. The intake is placed way too close to the exhaust
5. The maintenance costs are outrageous!!!!
'Hmmmmm, you may have some good points there,' replied God, 'hold on.'
God went to his Celestial supercomputer, typed in a few words and waited for the results.
The computer printed out a slip of paper and God read it.
'Well, it may be true that my invention is flawed,' God said to Arthur,
'but according to these numbers, more men are riding my invention than yours'.
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
Queen of Sheba
Thursday, 11 September 2008

How could I even begin to paint a picture of you?
Should I sketch the history of your life?
That of your family
Of your hardship
Your handicap
Your rebellion
of suppression
Your Insight
Your energy
Your sweetness
Your chivalry
Your rawness
Your intent
Your passion
Your weakness
Your strength
Your humour
Your love
Your hate
Your misguided fate
Your icing on the cake
Your dance
the trance.
And meek
So discreet!
How nice
So precise
A soldier
The Knight
Your feather touch
How it means so much
To this soul
To feel, and be
you touched, and felt
Oh, how we melt
And dance, and know
And how you grew
as we grow
In such a short space
How we feel your grace
No need to ask why
composition guides us to that sky
Those notes that sing
unfolding those wings
The genius that you are
Always, and by far
That primal voice
Outcasts society's noise
By Lorna Cameron
Sunday, 7 September 2008
Poem for One leaf One link Book
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