Sunday, 10 August 2008

Brick by brick

I have been given some wonderful news.... yesterday I got a phone call from a lady who wants to publish another one of my poems in a book. I have also been given the opportunity to do the illustration for it. The best news is that it's my poem "Honest and True", and this one has a universal message. This happiness is not because I am going to be receiving lots of cash for this publication..... I am happy and proud of the fact that someone else thinks my poem will help others. I'm also grateful to receive a free copy of this book as it will give me the opportunity to see other peoples work and in some way feel what they've experienced. Of course we can never truly feel what another person feels no matter how intuitive we are, or how our energies merge, it's easier when our truth is parallel with their truth. Words and pictures are powerful forms of communication and can reach even the darkest of places, shining that great spirit of light over the shadow balancing our day with night. Through sharing our creativity, we can relate... while bonding with hearts and minds we help to build bridges, every day.... brick by brick in the best way we can to bring an end to all the destruction demolishing the body of this world, isn't that what we all want?

I also received another beautiful gift this week from my friends aunt, the lady who helped soothe my heart on the phone one day by letting me hear her play "moonriver" on the piano. Since then aunt Anna has gone on to compile two cd's and is working on her 3rd all at the grand age of 92...what a wonderful sound!

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